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St. Petersburg Hit and Run Accidents

Few things are more frustrating than hit and run accidents. While leaving the scene of most car accidents is illegal, many drivers choose to flee instead of facing the consequences. This situation might feel hopeless. However, you may still be able to recover compensation for your losses and damages by working with Kogan & DiSalvo. You could have options even if the other driver’s identity remains unknown.

A St. Petersburg car accident lawyer can give you the best chance at securing the compensation you deserve. As South Florida’s premier personal injury law firm, we often see people at the most vulnerable and difficult times of their lives. We’ve witnessed firsthand the physical, financial, and emotional devastation that can accompany a serious injury caused by someone else’s negligence. Please contact us to schedule a free case evaluation. We can assess your case and answer your questions.

What to do after a hit and run accident in St. Petersburg

A person holding up a smartphone taking a picture of damage to a grey car

You could protect your health and car accident claim with careful and decisive action.

Some of the steps to take after a hit and run collision include the following:

  1. Stay calm. Panicking will never be in your best interest. By remaining calm, you decrease the risk of putting yourself in additional jeopardy or worsening your injuries.
  2. Call the police. The police represent your best chance to track down and identify the driver that struck you. Often, there are officers close enough to the scene of the crash to track them down. The more information you can provide the police, the better your chances. This could include identifying information about the vehicle or the driver, particularly a license plate number.
  3. Seek medical treatment. Even if you feel fine, go to urgent care. This will ensure you do not have internal injuries or delayed onset symptoms. In addition, these medical records may serve as critical evidence in your case.
  4. Do not follow the other driver. Following the other driver might be your instinct, but this is never wise. Attempting to chase down a fleeing driver could cause another accident. Moreover, a person desperate enough to leave the crash scene could be dangerous if cornered. It is best to leave this to the police.

Finally, meet with an experienced lawyer. They can ensure you meet every deadline and evaluate settlement offers.

Common Hit and Run Injuries

Woman in a car after an accident holding her forehead in pain

Hit and run accidents can cause a wide range of bodily injuries, which include the following:

  • Internal bleeding
  • Cuts, bruises, and lacerations
  • Broken bones
  • Internal bleeding
  • Severe burns
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Paralysis

Remember, if you are a pedestrian who is struck by a car, and the motorist flees the scene, it is a hit and run. If you are on a bike or skateboard and the driver flees the scene of the accident, it is also a hit and run.

Compensation for a hit and run accident

Calculating your case’s worth is important in a personal injury claim. This can be challenging with hit and run accidents, as the source of the compensation might not be clear. If you ultimately identify the other driver, you can pursue a civil lawsuit against them and may be entitled to the following damages, which include the following:

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Mental anguish
  • Diminished future earning power
  • Emotional distress
  • Property damage
  • Disfigurement

If the other person remains unidentified, you could still recover compensation by filing a claim on your insurance policy. This option depends on having the appropriate amount of coverage as required by law and uninsured or underinsured motorists coverage, which is optional.

Contact Kogan & DiSalvo for a Free Consultation

An insurance adjuster with a clipboard examining the scene of a car accident

If you were injured by a driver who fled the scene of an accident, you have the right to seek compensation. Our team at Kogan & DiSalvo could assist you with filing a personal injury lawsuit or navigating the insurance claims process. Reach out right away for a free consultation with a St. Petersburg hit and run accident lawyer. We work on a contingency basis. This means there are no upfront legal fees. We do not take any money from you unless and until we are successful in winning your case.

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