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Zephyrhills Truck Accident Attorney

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Large trucks are common on the busy roads of Pasco County. Truck drivers haul necessary items such as liquids, food, construction materials, and retail products. In addition, they can haul more specialized items. Most industries depend on the trucking business to transport its goods. However, truck accidents have become more frequent and often have catastrophic consequences.

Accident victims deserve fair and just compensation for their losses, and the attorneys at Kogan & DiSalvo are dedicated to standing up for their rights. We have a proven track record of success handling truck accident claims in Florida, including six- and seven-figure settlements. To our legal opponents, we are formidable adversaries. To our clients, we are compassionate allies who stand by their side and pursue justice. We invite you to schedule a free consultation.

Determining Negligence—Who Is At Fault for Your Truck Accident Injury?

A severely damaged car after a head-on collision with a semi-truck at a city intersection

Truck drivers are prone to the same negligent behavior as drivers of other motorists, e.g., drunk driving, texting, and speeding, which are often cited as the cause of accidents. In collisions with 18-wheelers and other large commercial trucks, other factors unique to the trucking industry may also come into play, which include the following:

  • Driver fatigue: Despite strict regulations determining hours of service, truck drivers face constant pressure to deliver loads on time and often push themselves past their limits. Driving while fatigued significantly lowers a truck driver’s ability to perceive hazards and react in time to avoid them.
  • Faulty truck maintenance: Trucking companies are required to maintain their trucks to meet federally mandated safety standards regarding brake systems, steering, tires, and other vehicle components. When they fail to meet these standards, dangerous and defective vehicles result.
  • Loading errors: Overloaded trucks or unbalanced loads are more difficult to control and stop. A fully loaded semi-truck traveling at 65 miles per hour takes 525 feet to come to a complete stop. Reduced braking distance can mean the difference between a safe stop and a catastrophic rear-end collision.
  • Poor hiring practices: Trucking companies may be liable for failing to screen their drivers adequately. Background checks should screen for drug and alcohol abuse, a record of serious crashes, traffic tickets, and other red flags.

In handling your truck accident claim, we will leverage our substantial resources, including truck accident investigators, accident reconstructionists, and medical experts who can help determine liability.

Steps You Can Take to Help Your Case

A champagne-colored passenger vehicle that has rear-ended a red industrial truck

While we are committed to helping you obtain full and fair compensation for your truck accident injuries, your actions can also affect the success of your case.

Consult with an attorney before talking to anyone from the insurance company. Insurance adjusters are trained to get you to say things that help them, often at your expense. An offhand comment that doesn’t seem significant could harm your case.

Also, we recommend you avoid delays in hiring a truck accident lawyer to represent you. The statute of limitations for most personal injury claims in Florida is generally two years. Not filing in time means you may lose your right to seek damages from the at-fault party, and valuable evidence can be lost.

Compensation for Truck Accident Victims

Open door to an operating room in a hospital where surgeons are working

How can an experienced Zephyrhills personal injury attorney make a difference in your case? Florida law allows victims to pursue compensation for economic and non-economic damages, and our team will pursue all avenues for recovery.

Economic Damages

Financial losses suffered by victims of trucking accidents include:

  • Medical bills: Because of the speed and mass involved in truck accidents, the resulting injuries are often severe and life-changing. Victims may require emergency room care, surgeries, hospitalization, medication, and extensive rehabilitation—sometimes for the rest of their lives.
  • Lost wages: If your truck accident injuries have rendered you unable to work, you can be reimbursed for lost wages and diminished earning capacity.
  • Property damage: Was your vehicle damaged in an accident with a large truck? The truck driver or other at-fault party may be liable for repairs or replacement.

Non-economic Damages

Non-economic damages are designed to compensate you for pain and suffering, emotional trauma, diminished quality of life, impairment of relationships with your spouse, family, and friends due to your injuries, psychological effects of permanent scarring, disfigurement, or disabilities, and other less tangible hardships.

While these damages are more subjective and, therefore, more difficult to prove, they are important in a personal injury claim arising from a truck accident. Your settlement or jury award should accurately reflect the totality of your physical and emotional suffering.

Wrongful Death

Many memorial candles burning on the ground in the night

All too often, victims of truck accidents succumb to their injuries. In these situations, surviving family members may pursue compensation through a wrongful death claim.

Survivors may be eligible for the following:

  • Reimbursing the final medical bills of the decedent
  • Lost wages, bonuses, and benefits
  • Pain and suffering of survivors
  • Loss of companionship, guidance, and consortium

Florida routinely ranks among the top states for fatal truck accidents. Pursuing a wrongful death claim can help surviving family members contend with the financial and emotional losses they have sustained. The Zephyrhills truck accident lawyers at Kogan & DiSalvo stand firmly with grieving family members.

The Importance of Skilled Legal Counsel

A truck with red running lights driving on a foggy highway at night

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident in Zephyrhills or anywhere in Florida, you likely face powerful legal opponents. The trucking company, their lawyers, and insurance companies will always protect their bottom line.

A skilled and compassionate attorney can level the playing field and give you the best possible chance of recovering compensation for your damages and losses. For many accident victims in Pasco County and throughout Florida, Kogan & DiSalvo has been that champion. From the moment we take your case, we will begin investigating the cause of your accident, identify the responsible parties, and hold them accountable.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Two people sitting at a desk with a computer reviewing a legal document

If you were injured in a truck accident, retain the experienced Florida truck accident lawyers at Kogan & DiSalvo to represent your interests. Truck accident cases may involve liability for multiple parties and other complex legal concepts, including regulations established by both the Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Schedule a free consultation today so we can answer your questions and assess your case. Since we work on a contingency basis, there are no upfront legal fees.

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If you are injured and unable to come to us,
our attorney will come to you - there is no charge for us to do so.