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Boca Raton Car Accident with Multiple Defendants

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When it comes to the possible effect multiple defendants can have on the outcome of the case, it depends on why they are there and the type of accident it was. Skilled accident attorneys are essential assets in helping your case and helping you understand your case. If you have been in a car accident with multiple defendants, contact an experienced Boca Raton accident lawyer as soon as possible to ensure that you are protected.

Vignette overhead view of a busy intersection in the city

Effect on Potential Outcomes

If there are multiple defendants in a Boca Raton car accident case, the litigation proceedings do not change.  They will instead be listed as defendant one and defendant two. It is perceived the same way as if there was only one defendant on the receiving end of the plaintiff’s claim, except that they will be addressed as defendant one, defendant two, and so on in numerical order.

Depending on the liability of the defendants, it may affect how litigation proceeds. Once a court determines each defendant’s degree of culpability, the next step is the assignment of financial responsibility. At this point, a problem may arise if one or more of those liable do not have sufficient funds or insurance coverage.

The collectability of the defendants is important because if the court finds each 50% liable, and one of them does not have any insurance, then it is very likely the person who filed the claim will never see half of the money owed them.

Two doctors examining a hip X-ray

Role of Health Privacy Laws

Unless there is a valid reason to delve into their health issues, the defendant’s health history does not enter into the discussion. However, if there is an issue as to the someone’s well-being, mental status, or physical status, then their health condition could be called into question and may be discussed during the proceedings.

It is important to note that a defense attorney can object to medical records being released and ultimately the judge will decide whether or not there is a valid basis to release them. Once an individual is in litigation, there is always the judge to decide throughout the whole process whether something is privileged, is protected, or whether it is a viable avenue to explore.

Because of the medical nature of the injuries, often the plaintiff’s health conditions, medical conditions, and medical history are open to scrutiny. The defendant is able to explore the plaintiff’s medical history and treatment history from the day they were born up until the day of trial.

If a person files a car accident lawsuit, they should be aware that they are opening themselves up to scrutiny. On the other hand, when an individual is sued, he or she is not exposed to that scrutiny unless there is a valid reason for it.

Statue of lady justice on desk of a judge or lawyer.

How An Attorney Can Help

The attorney’s responsibility is to present enough evidence to the jury to paint a clear picture of who is at fault and why they are at fault. The end goal is to convince the jury that the plaintiff client is in fact 0% at fault that the defendants are 100% at fault. The individual allocation of culpability between the defendants is up for interpretation, depending on the circumstances of the case.

Ultimately, a lawyer with extensive experience in these types of cases will be best equipped to prepare a plaintiff as they file a claim due to experiencing a Boca Raton car accident with multiple defendants. A qualified attorney will be able to help the plaintiff navigate the complex and often overwhelming legal proceedings in order to achieve the best possible outcome.

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