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Fort Lauderdale Injury Lawyers

Kogan & DiSalvo – Fort Lauderdale

2787 E Oakland Park Blvd #216
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306

Phone: (954) 466-0458

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A serious personal injury can happen anywhere to anyone. It is, indeed, personal – the accident changes every aspect of your life, including work, family, and home. You worry not only about your health but about your livelihood, paying bills, and keeping your family fed and housed.

When you are severely injured in an accident due to another’s negligence, you must concentrate on recovery. A knowledgeable personal injury lawyer will fight for your rights and help you get the full compensation you deserve.

For more than 28 years, Kogan & DiSalvo has been advocating for injury victims in Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, and other communities throughout Southeast Florida. Please call (561) 375-9500 to speak with a personal injury attorney Fort Lauderdale residents trust for high-caliber advocacy.

What Kind of Cases Do Personal Injury Lawyers Handle?

Vignette view of a courtroom from the judge's bench with a gavel in the foreground

Personal injury law is broad in scope. Regardless of the type of injury or accident, however, the negligence of one or more parties is at the heart of nearly every personal injury claim.

Our attorneys offer comprehensive personal injury representation in a wide variety of claims stemming from:

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Although motor vehicle accidents are among the most common causes of injuries, Florida’s no-fault auto insurance system does not permit injured parties to file personal injury claims unless the injury is permanently disabling. Unfortunately, many motor vehicle accidents result in just that type of trauma.

Car Accidents

Our personal injury attorneys understand the immediate and lasting ramifications of a serious car accident. Whether caused by distracted, drowsy, or careless driving, car accidents can result in much more than a damaged or totaled vehicle. Victims deserve to be properly compensated for their losses, and sometimes this means stepping outside of PIP coverage. This requires an experienced Ft. Lauderdale law firm that has the resources to investigate and prove when a permanent or disabling injury has been sustained.

Truck Accidents

18-wheelers, tractor trailers, and semis are constantly hauling heavy cargo via Florida’s interstate highways. Freight spills, rollovers, and jackknife crashes are among the more serious truck accidents that we handle. These cases are labor-intensive to investigate and prepare, requiring breadth of experience and a deep knowledge of both state and federal trucking laws. Our attorneys can determine all potential liable parties and sources of financial recovery after a serious truck accident. We handle each facet of the legal process with the utmost efficiency and integrity, from in-depth investigations to insurance company negotiations.

Motorcycle Accidents

Ft. Lauderdale promises 12 full months of balmy weather – a veritable dream for avid motorcyclists who never have to worry about icy road conditions. Unfortunately, they have an even bigger risk: negligent motorists who don’t see them on the road or fail to yield the right of way. No amount of protective gear can ensure a motorcycle rider can walk away from a crash unscathed. Traumatic head injuries, broken bones, and painful road rash are compensable injuries when negligence was at play. It is our goal to help motorcycle accident victims recuperate fair reparations for their physical, emotional, and financial losses.

Uber and Lyft Accidents

Ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft have become increasingly popular throughout Florida. In fact, many residents rely on these services for their daily commute. When you are injured as a passenger in an Uber or Lyft accident, you will qualify for insurance coverage. Both companies have liability coverage that tops out at $1 million, but the amount recovered will depend on the stage of your trip as well as your legal counsel’s abilities. We have a well-earned reputation for legal excellence and have a proven track record of winning case results.

Pedestrian Accidents

The lion’s share of pedestrian knock-downs is caused by inattentive or reckless drivers. Speeding, texting, excessive fatigue, and alcohol consumption can also play a role in these senseless pedestrian accidents. When a pedestrian is seriously injured by a motor vehicle or bicyclist, it’s imperative to seek legal guidance as soon as possible. Our attorneys can assess past, current, and future damages, allowing us to demand full compensation in a personal injury claim.

Palm trees and road in Florida

Bicycle Accidents

Fort Lauderdale boasts a slew of scenic bicycle routes, including breezy sections of the A1A, Hollywood Broadwalk, and El Mar Drive. No matter where you cycle, you are sometimes sharing the road with commercial trucks and passenger vehicles, which can be a recipe for disaster and lead to serious bicycle accidents. Kogan & DiSalvo can help injured cyclists pursue money damages from defendants ranging from negligent drivers and property owners to local municipalities.

Bus Accidents

We leverage a long track record litigating all types of motor vehicle injury claims, including bus accidents caused by mechanical failure, defective parts, human error, and negligent third parties. Whether the crash can be traced back to an inexperienced bus driver or lax maintenance, you can count on effective contingency fee-based representation from Kogan & DiSalvo. We are committed to uncovering the truth and fighting for the maximum recovery our clients need and deserve.

Boat Accidents

When you or a loved one are injured aboard a recreational watercraft in Broward County waters, you have legal rights. In some cases, the victims can sue the operator of another vessel that caused the accident, or the driver of your own boat if they were intoxicated or operated the vessel with reckless abandon. Our lawyers will help you pursue rightful compensation if you were hurt in a boating accident caused by another’s negligence.

Slip and Falls

A person with a blue cast and blue crutches sitting on the couch using a laptop

A slip and fall injury claim is filed under theories of premises liability, which states that property owners and operators have a legal duty to ensure their grounds are maintained and reasonably safe for patrons and guests. When slip and falls and related injuries happen because a manager or property owner failed to warn about a spilled beverage or other foreseeable hazard, victims can seek economic and non-economic damages for their losses.

Construction Accidents

The construction industry is rife with dangers. Heavy machinery, elevated heights, toxic chemicals, and falling debris are just some of the hazards faced by workers on a daily basis. Compared to other industries in Florida, construction has one of the highest fatality rates, claiming dozens of lives each year. Whether you were injured on a job site or lost a loved one in a construction accident, it pays to have competent legal representation.

Dog Bites

The Florida Department of Health reports an average of 600 dog bite/attack injuries and two fatalities every year in the Sunshine State. Dog bite cases in Florida are rarely straightforward, given their nuanced statutes. Canine owners can be held responsible for any dog bites and resultant injuries if it can be demonstrated that the victim was legally on private property or bitten in a public place.

Product Liability

Electrical failure resulting in electrical plug burnt

Poorly designed or manufactured products may leave a path of injured consumers in their wake. If the product was used as intended and caused injury or illness, the plaintiff may sue the manufacturer for product liability. Defective product claims may be filed individually or, if many consumers are harmed by the same product, as mass torts.

Mass Torts

A mass tort is a legal proceeding involving many plaintiffs against one or several defendants in state or federal court. Mass tort litigation often stems from pharmaceuticals, medical devices, or even toxic exposure. Unlike a class action, where the court treats the plaintiffs as a single entity, a mass tort lets plaintiffs seek damages for their specific harms. Mass torts are frequently organized as multi-district litigation (MDL), a process that is designed to streamline pretrial proceedings.

Dangerous Drugs

Every day, Floridians suffer serious injuries and complications from prescription and over-the-counter medications that were either defective or sold without adequate warning. In dire situations like these, it’s important to align yourself with a personal injury attorney Fort Lauderdale depends on for results-driven representation. When dangerous drugs are recklessly put on the market, our legal team can bring claims for strict liability, negligence, and deceptive marketing, among other causes of action.

Two doctors examining a hip X-ray

Healthcare Negligence

From hospitals to nursing homes, patients receiving skilled care are at risk of serious injury and death due to the negligence of caregivers. Claims of malpractice, abuse, and neglect should always be taken seriously and handled by an experienced lawyer.

Nursing Home Abuse

Statistics on nursing home abuse and neglect in Broward County facilities are disheartening. When a loved one suffers physical, financial, or emotional harm at the very hands of their caretaker, our attorneys are prepared to help. Elder abuse laws are in place to protect the most vulnerable among us, and Kogan & DiSalvo takes pride in representing the elderly population of Fort Lauderdale. 

Medical Malpractice

Missed and incorrect diagnoses, medication errors, and failure to properly treat are just some examples of medical malpractice committed by healthcare professionals. Victims of medical malpractice in Florida have just two years to bring a civil claim for damages. When a surgeon, anesthesiologist, or other medical practitioner fails to uphold their legal duty, and serious harm results, victims have the right to seek justice. According to the National Practitioner Databank, Florida ranks third in the nation for medical negligence claims, with more than 10,000 reports filed on a yearly basis.

Construction zone on a street with stop signs, warning cones, and a truck

Workplace Injury

Workers who are injured on the job may qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, which cover some (but not all) of their losses. In some cases, workers can also file third-party liability claims for issues of negligence that lead to workplace injury.

Workers’ Compensation

Call on a prominent injury attorney to get the worker’s compensation benefits you are due after suffering an injury or illness related to your occupation. With a capable lawyer in your corner, you stand a much better chance of recovering a portion of your lost earnings and out-of-pocket expenses for medical bills.

Wrongful Death

Tragically, the potential plaintiff in a personal injury claim may die as a result of the injuries he or she has sustained. If this occurs, family members of the deceased may be entitled to compensation by filing a wrongful death claim. A Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyer at Kogan & DiSalvo can help you and your family pursue damages associated with the untimely loss of a loved one.

Back of a paralyzed man sitting in a wheelchair looking at the ocean

Catastrophic Injuries

For many victims, a serious personal injury marks a change in their lifestyle. The injury is of such magnitude that they may require supportive care, a wheelchair, or other necessities because of mental or physical impairment.

The personal injury lawyers at Kogan & DiSalvo represent clients in Fort Lauderdale who have suffered a variety of life-changing injuries due to someone else’s negligence. Such catastrophic injuries include:

Spinal cord injuries

Spinal cord injuries are generally caused by a traumatic blow that crushes, compresses, or fractures one or several vertebrae or damages the bundle of nerves. Car crashes, falls, and sporting accidents are the leading causes of spinal cord injury (SCI), which can have debilitating consequences depending on the location and severity of injury. A severe spinal cord injury can impact movement, sensation, and bodily function, rendering victims paralyzed and dependent on 24/7 nursing care.

Traumatic brain injuries

A sudden jolt to the head can result in traumatic brain injury (TBI), one of the leading causes of disability and death in the United States. Most concussions are considered mild brain injuries, with symptoms resolving over a period of weeks or months. More severe brain injuries can result in motor deficits, impaired cognitive function, and lifelong problems with language and communication.

Doctor in a hospital reviewing screens showing a brain injury


Serious burn injuries that extend beyond the top layer of skin can be life-threatening if not promptly treated. Chemical burns, thermal burns, electrical burns, and radiation burns have the potential to damage nerve endings, blood vessels, muscle, and soft tissue, requiring surgical intervention and skin grafting.

Loss of vision

Even minor vehicle accidents can leave victims with temporary or permanent loss of vision. Vision loss may be caused by optic nerve damage or a penetrating eye injury resulting from flying debris. A hard blow to the skull may also damage parts of the brain that are responsible for vision.

A doctor reviewing an xray of a patient's chest and spinal cord

Loss of limbs

The loss of a limb, or an amputation injury, has dramatic impacts on quality of life. A classic example of catastrophic personal injury, a loss of limb could be caused by a negligent driver, a construction site or workplace accident involving heavy machinery, a defective consumer product, or a collision with a large truck. Victims may pursue damages for diminished earning capacity as well as assistive devices and ongoing medical treatment.

Bone fractures

There are numerous personal injury accidents that can result in broken or fractured bones. Slips and falls, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian knock-downs, and bicycle crashes are just a few examples. Statistics indicate that pelvic bone and femur fractures are the most common broken bones in car accidents. Most fractures can heal with casts, surgical pins, and physical therapy.


Paralysis is characterized by the inability to voluntarily control muscle movements. It is often accompanied by loss of feeling or sensation in affected body parts. Traumatic spinal cord injury is one of the leading causes of paralysis, which can affect one limb, or virtually the entire body. Those with quadriplegia have no control of muscular movement from the neck down, whereas paraplegia typically affects the torso and legs.

A doctor explaining lumbar anatomy to a spinal cord injury patient


The most common cause of whiplash is a rear-end collision. This soft tissue injury occurs when the head and neck are violently snapped backward and forwards, causing the muscles and ligaments to hyperextend. Even low-impact accidents can cause painful whiplash injuries that can cause a host of symptoms like headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, radiating pain, and limited mobility.


Construction site workers, painters, roofers, electricians, and other laborers who have contact with live electrical wiring are at the highest risk for electrical shock injuries. Electrocution can cause cardiac arrest, organ damage, second-and-third-degree burns, and death. While electrocutions often take place on dangerous job sites, they can also be caused by faulty appliances and defective machinery, and give rise to a product liability claim.

Time Limits for Taking Legal Action

Close-up of an hourglass, pen, and magnifying glass on top of a legal document

Florida has a statute of limitations for filing claims based on negligence of two years from the date of the accident. An action for wrongful death must also be filed within two years of the death date. There are exceptions to both of these deadlines.

Whether you have been seriously injured or lost a loved one, it is important to discuss your rights with an attorney as soon as possible. Contact a personal injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale to begin building your case.

What Damages Can I Recover for Personal Injury?

Close up of a person using a calculator on top of documents

A monetary award will not fully make up for the losses you experience from an injury or accident. However, recovering financial compensation can help defray many of the costs associated with serious injuries, as well as help you and your loved ones overcome other burdens after the accident.

Compensation may be available for the following damages in your personal injury claim:

  • Bills and future expenses for medical care
  • Loss of income
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Out-of-pocket expenses related to your injuries
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disability
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of society and companionship

The exact amount you may be able to recover depends on the specific details of your case. A Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyer at Kogan & DiSalvo can evaluate your case for free and advise you what constitutes fair compensation.

How Do I Prove Negligence in a Personal Injury Claim?

A file folder tab labeled "Evidence"

Your ability to recover compensation for personal injury depends on the evidence you are able to present. If you can, take the following steps after an accident:

  • Document the scene by taking written notes, photos, etc.
  • Speak to witnesses who saw you get hurt
  • Exchange information with the liable party (Ex: If you were in a car accident, get the driver’s name, contact information, and insurance information)
  • Call 911 (some events, such as auto accidents, should be reported to the police as soon as possible; other types of injuries may be documented in reports by fire and rescue workers)
  • Promptly seek medical attention for your injuries

Each of these steps enables you and your lawyer to determine how the accident occurred. If the evidence supports your claim that the negligence of one or more parties (such as the driver of a vehicle, a property owner, a business, a medical professional, etc.) led to your injuries, your attorney can seek recovery of damages related to the accident.

Our personal injury lawyers often consult experts in various specialized fields to strengthen cases on behalf of their clients. Expert testimony is crucial in claims where the negligence of multiple parties may have caused your injuries, as well as refuting defense arguments that you contributed to the accident.

Are Personal Injury Lawyers Worth It?

Vignette of the front of a courthouse with the inscription "United States Court House"

Many people who have been injured are hesitant to speak to an attorney. Insurance companies often discourage claimants from seeking legal counsel. A number of myths also surround personal injury law, including that claims take longer when lawyers are involved and that it is expensive to hire an attorney to handle your case.

In reality, however, most clients find that hiring a lawyer is one of the best decisions they could have made after being injured.

Meet the Personal Injury Lawyers at Kogan & DiSalvo

The aftermath of an injury or accident is a stressful time. Victims and their families face a number of hardships – physical, emotional, and financial. Amid the challenges of recovery and adjusting to the “new normal,” nobody should have to be concerned about the complexities of a legal matter.

At Kogan & DiSalvo, your initial consultation is free. We also handle personal injury claims on a contingency fee basis. This means you pay nothing out of pocket until we reach a settlement or win your case at trial.

By hiring an attorney, plaintiffs in personal injury claims can focus on taking back their lives. Our experienced injury lawyers can answer your questions, provide guidance, and support you in the emotional journey after an accident. We also work on your behalf to obtain the best outcome in your case.

How Do I Find the Right Personal Injury Attorney?

Two people shaking hands over legal documents and a gavel

Experience and results are two of the most important factors in choosing a lawyer for your personal injury case. You need to know that the attorney or law firm has handled cases like yours before – and won. 

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It is also important to have confidence that the lawyers and staff have your best interest at heart. Every member of the team should be courteous, professional, and compassionate. This is a difficult time in your life, and you will need both qualified legal guidance and emotional support.

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The personal injury attorney you choose should be willing to go above and beyond to secure a favorable result on your behalf. In some cases, this may involve taking your case to trial.

Many lawyers spend little to no time in the courtroom. When fair compensation for your injuries is on the line, you need an attorney who will not settle for less and has the skills, experience, and tenacity to litigate your case if necessary.

Most of the attorneys at Kogan & DiSalvo are Board-Certified in Civil Trial Law by The Florida Bar. This distinction signals our commitment to superior advocacy and results for our clients.

Contact a Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Attorney Today

Personal Injury Attorneys at Kogan & DiSalvo | Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Anyone who has been injured in a serious accident needs to focus on recuperation and rehabilitation, not fighting with insurance companies. The attorneys at Kogan & DiSalvo know how to deal with insurers and how to get fair settlements for our clients. If an insurance company refuses to offer fair compensation, our aggressive injury lawyers will take the case to court.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury because of another party’s negligence, you need the services of a Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyer who will review your situation and advise you of your options. Please contact Kogan & DiSalvo by calling (561) 477-9000 today for a free consultation.

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Head on collision
Motorcycle hit by car

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